Workout Wednesday: The Little Things October 28, 2015 – Posted in: Uncategorized


Workout Wednesday is a series on YBC where I talk about what I do to complement my yoga practice. This isn’t instructional, but rather, an opportunity to share what I do that makes me feel great. I’d love to hear what you do to complement your practice down below in the comments along with any questions you have for future W.O.W. posts.

There are so many things I want to talk about this week on W.O.W. – none of them are major, will-definitely-transform-your-life type of things, but sometimes it’s the little things that make a big impact and I wanted to share a few things making me happy in my workouts. 

The first is chalk. So I recently picked up some chalk because the bar was slipping out of my hands and while my pull-ups aren’t exactly anything to write home about, that bar kept slipping out of my hands as well. I went with this chalk on a whim – mostly because it was cheap and available for prime members and I am all about free, fast shipping, but it ended up being such a great purchase. It comes in a little cheesecloth type thing, so you don’t have chalk exploding everywhere (and believe me, I see that at the gym and it doesn’t look like a good time at all). My only thing is, what happens if I ever get pulled over with this in my front seat?! Haha.

The next thing I want to talk about is this heart rate monitor. I know I initially told you all I was psyched about it for sprints, but I’ve started using it during every gym workout just to see where my heart rate is even when I’m not sprinting. I mentioned this to my trainer, and how psyched I was because my heart rate was really in the top zones when I was training with him, but he reminded me that I also want to keep recovery time in mind and if my heart rate starts to sort of neutralize (or rather, not be in those super high ranges for as long as they are), then I shouldn’t get discouraged because it could mean that my recovery time is improving. So that’s something to think about.

The heart rate monitor has a setting where it tracks ‘other indoor activity’ which is what I put it on during my gym workouts. It keeps track of calories burned, the fat percentage of those calories (how does it even know that?!), duration, and of course the heart rate. I really love it and while no, I don’t think it’s imperative to have for a great workout, I find that I really look forward to the end where I stop the recording and get to see my workout in numbers. 

The other thing I wanted to talk about is the power of positivity. The other day I was working on my snatch lift, and I was getting visibly frustrated. I think I might’ve started out on the wrong foot, to be honest, because I’ve just been a little overwhelmed lately with all we have going on and I just felt like even though I knew the movement I was meant to do, I just couldn’t put the pieces of the puzzle together. I’d do the snatch lift, drop the weight and tell my trainer, “I know that sucked. My knees were messed up.” 

And he stopped me right there and said, “Let’s not look at it from a negative standpoint. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. Instead of thinking ‘my knees are messed up’ think: knees back. Instead of ‘my elbows turn in,” think: ‘elbows out’. Make everything positive and actionable, and you can grow from there.” 

Woah. This is nuts because I do this in yoga class. When people get down on themselves because the “perfect” split or headstand or whatever didn’t happen, they’ll be focusing on the negative saying, “Ugh, I can’t do it!” And there I will be, smiling and encouraging and saying, “Forget that word ‘can’t.’ Instead, approach it with an open mind. Say to yourself, ‘Yes. Yes I can.'” So how hypocritical of me…ok ok…interesting of me to take a turn to negative town and not follow my own advice when it comes to something off the yoga mat. So I just wanted to point that out because from there, things turned around. When I shifted my mind to a more positive, actionable thought, my spirit lifted and the snatch lift improved. So it’s all about perspective and staying positive – which is definitely work, but it’s work worth doing.

Let’s talk: Any special little things you have by your side when you work out? Anything I should know about?? 🙂

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